mercoledì 15 dicembre 2010

Excavators' best profile pictues???

I have spent the entire day manipulating an Excel spreadsheet full of pottery data from the Danish Academy's Nomentum Forum Project (do I detect a trend in the projects with which I am affiliated?). This is a very interesting project which is exploring the forum of the small town of Nomentum in Rome's hinterland - preliminary pottery report due these days. As an escape, this new blog post... 

When you are taking on-site photographs, it is difficult to take flattering pictures of people unless you actually ask them to pose in a certain manner and pretend to excavate. While people are working, they tend to be in various awkward positions and while you try to take the best action shots of a trench, you inevitably photograph people from behind... In a goofy moment last summer (or several goofy moments) I took intentional portraits of people where the sun doesn't usually shine.

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